Issue Position: Where Bill Stands

Issue Position

More Good Jobs:
Bill will fight for more good-paying jobs in New Hampshire. We need to make New Hampshire a more pro-business environment, by lowering business taxes, so that our state's residents can find better paying jobs.

Right to Work:
Bill believes every NH resident should choose whether or not they want to be a union member. He supports the legislative efforts of Right to Work.

Protect the Second Amendment:
Bill is a strong Second Amendment supporter. He believes the right to bear arms is an essential constitutional freedom.

No Sales or Income Tax:
Bill pledges to oppose and vote against any and all efforts to increase taxes. He will vote against any Democratic effort for a sales or income tax.

Repeal and Replace Obamacare:
Bill opposes unnecessary Medicaid expansion and will vote against any legislation designed to implement the Affordable Care Act.​

End Voter Fraud:
Bill is proud to sponsor House legislation to ensure the integrity of New Hampshire elections. The people of New Hampshire should have the exclusive right to determine the results of our state's elections.

Fight the Opioid Crisis:
Bill has voted in support of several initiatives to combat the drug crisis, without increasing taxes for New Hampshire citizens. He supports a three point plan which highlights enforcement, treatment and recovery.

End Common Core:
Bill supports state and local level school control and for parents to have a voice in how schools are run. The federal government should have no role in the creation of content or curriculum.
